Monday, October 02, 2006

So I turned myself to face me

I've used the same blogger template for the past 29 months and am wondering if it's time for a change.

I've prided myself on leaving it this long and am proud of it's poor design.

But what design do I go for?? There are the obvious ones that are already on Blogger but why settle for something ordinary?? I've seen one I do like here, but I'm also tempted to make a template from scratch, but that could be a bit of hassle.

I'd ideally like to switch my blog over to wordpress, but I can't use wordpress on the PCs at work where I admit I do post from time to time. I think I might lose a few readers too if I switched... not too sure.

What do you think??

update: I also managed to find time to finish this website for Amy. Amy is a friend of someone else I did a site for and she asked me to make her a site, and although I said I was going to be really busy she still wanted one from me, and so a few months down the line I finished it. In reality it only really took a day to finish, but hey that's what you get for hiring an amateur like me. I was annoyed I took so long but all finished now.


Flash said...

A change would probably be cool, as good as a rest they say.
PS, I could with some assistance in getting the header Phil made me on screen.

Jerry Bowley said...

Lose readers by changing to WordPress?!? Are you kidding?

Despite Apple's latest ad campaign, I think th "Us vs. Them" mindset has all but passed now. So, don't you worry... Do what makes you feel best and the rest will follow.

(That almost sounded philosophical, didn't it?)

Stef said...

Custom templates are the way to go.

Ultimately Wordpress is great but you will lose a lot of the traffic you currently have. That's what Lithaborn and several others found at least.

That 'beckett' template is OK but again, who hasn't seen it 1001 times? You could just take a standard blogger tempalte and fuck around with the colours until you get something that looks totally different like Doppelganger...

adem said...

The vast majority of my visitors use blogger, and obviously this is a blogger blog too. Blogger give their blogs ratings and I would lose my position is I switched over. Also I mentioned that the PCs at work are shit and won't let me access my wordpress admin on my other blog.

I think I'll take one of the custom templates and then edit the hell out of it. Probably.... Let's see if I get around to it.

Cheers for the input guys.

Anonymous said...

Yes, try out the beta blogger and let us know how it goes. I've switiched to it but am nervous about changing what I have already, plus it will be time consuming to put all the other bits back on that I customised initially.

adem said...

I was going to switch to blooger beta but then I read this and the list of know bugs and I decided against it for the mean time.

doppelganger said...

Doesn't blogger beta restrict the amount of arsing around you can do with your template? - That's half the fun!