Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Poker Night

I always try and go out on the Friday and Saturday Evenings as they are the only real evenings when I am not working or have prior commitments, but the problem is (now I sound old) everything is so expensive and it means I'm continually broke. The prices of beer will be going up in the next few weeks thanks to 'The Budget' and so I decide that if I was going to spend money I'd rather do it in my own home and with my friends.
So the idea came that it would be good to have regular poker nights where we get a few crates of lager (very cheap in the supermarket) and spend a few quid gambling (certainly less that a night out).
When I do something I like to do it properly so voila....

I bought this baby from DrinkStuff.com after searching for a long time on ebay and not finding what I wanted. The Poker table is a reversable/foldable felt covered sturdy plywood design that sits on the top of a regular table and the chips are quality 11.5 gram ones supplied with cards, dice, etc in a sturdy metal case.
All of it came to less than £70 which is is around 2 nights worth of drinking, so not a bad trade.
The first Poker Night is pencilled in for this Saturday so I'll report on the SUnday how it all went.

P.S. It's Texas Holdem.

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